Did you know that you can create your own electronic workspaces that will automatically sync any documents you (or whoever you invite) create, edit or delete? This effectively allows you to create your own little shared document repository that is always up-to-date, giving you and all your invited members the same view of the same documents.

The difference between this and the shared drives is that YOU can dictate WHO you want to share your data with and WHICH permission levels they have.

The 3 Rules that must apply before you can successfully share:

  1. Anyone invited to your workspace has to have a wiss.cn account and can only access the file within the wiss network (no off-campus access)
  2. The folders and files you host have to be on your local machine's D drive
  3. Your computer had to be switched on, and you signed-in, for anyone to access your shared documents or folders

If this sounds appealing and useful to you then here is how to set it up:
  • Create a folder on your D drive and place in it the document(s) you want to share (or you could also add them later):
  • Right-click the folder > Show more options... > Give access to > Specific people...

Now type the username of the person you want to share this folder with, then press 'Add':

The person will be added to the list (if the username is valid). In their 'Permission Level' set the permissions you want to allow them :

Now press 'Share' and you will get a 'Your folder is shared' notice. BEFORE you press 'DONE' the next step is to let you person/people you have shared with know what the link to your shared file or folder is so they can edit, add or delete items. I find it easiest to click the 'email' link because a new email is automatically created for you and the path to your shared item(s) is pasted into the email. 

Make sure to CHANGE THE EMAIL ADDRESS before you press 'Send' (In this example, change from WISS\qshah to qshah@wiss.cn):

When the user(s) you invited receive the email they can click on the link provided to go to your shared folder(s) / file(s). If you have given them read/write permissions they can add things in here. If you gave them read only they cannot edit anything but can open and read items:

If they have read/write permissions they can drop files or folders into your shared area. They can also view any files or folders you drop in here; no need to re-share any links.

At any time you can go back to the shared folder/files and add or remove people to share your data with or change their Permission Level.

Happy sharing :)