WISS Staff and Students with ManageBac accounts now have an extra Managebac sign-in option. 

As well as being able to sign in with your existing Managebac account, you can now also sign in with your WISS domain account (your WISS M365 account). Here's how: 

NOTE: You MUST have an active WISS Domain Account and a WISS Managebac account for this to work.

1: Open WISS Managebac 

2: You will see the extra sign-in option: 'Sign-in with Azure AD'. Click that button. 

  • If you have already signed in to WISS M365 on your browser, you will automatically sign in to Managebac. 
  • Otherwise, use your WISS Domain account details for login and password fields (the exact login details you use for your WISS M365, Printer and WiFi) :

3: The first time ONLY on each device, you might be prompted to grant permissions. Tick 'Consent…" and press 'Accept'. You will then be signed into Managebac: