You can now print to the school printers from your own personal device. You must have an active and valid WISS account to use this software.

Using an iPad? Use this guide instead: Print to WISS Printers from your iPad or iPhone

Please download and install the software on your/students' PERSONAL computer to allow printing to the WISS printers. You will need to sign in with your WISS account to download and use the printer software.


Mac Users

If you have any issues please take screenshots of the error(s) and send them to us to help us help you.

When you try to run the software you may get this message:

If you receive the security warning then you need to go Apple > System Preference > Security & Privacy then select the General tab. You will see a dialogue box similar to the one below. 

You need to click ‘Open Anyway’ to allow apps from locations other than the App Store:

Finally, click "open" to begin installing the software:


Windows Users

Download the executable file and install it on your PERSONAL Windows computer.