The requested student domain account(s) (G1-12), O365 account(s)  (G6-12) and printer account(s) (G6-12) have been created. 

Here are the details for the newly requested student account(s):

Note: Email address and username (student ID) as per the student's OpenApply / Managebac Record.

Log in to all accounts with the WISS domain account details provided here: 

WISS Domain Account: 

Used by G1-G5 for for network login / WISS-Student Wifi
Used by G6-G12 for email / O365 / print / network login / WISS-Student Wifi
Default domain account passwordWiss20  !
G1-G5 are not permitted to change their password. 
G6-G12 can change their default password, BUT currently this can only be done on a WISS-owned, Windows OS computer while on-campus

Accessible by G6-G12 from any location (in Mainland China a VPN is unnecessary), using any modern web browser with an active internet connection.